Majestic for an Evening 2024



Majestic for an Evening 2024 Fall Registration Form


All children K-5th grade are invited to join the "Majestics for an Evening"

  • Perform on the football field at halftime!
  • Eat a pre-game dinner with the Majestics
  • Participate in pre-game lines and rally the football team onto the field
  • Dance and cheer with the Majestics in the stands 1st and 2nd quarter
  • More details below!


Majestic for an Evening 2024 Registration - $75 Early Bird Price until Oct 1

"Majestic for an Evening" 2024 - Grade and T-shirt size




DANCE CLINIC to learn our pregame and halftime dance routines!

When:  8:30 am - 12pm, Saturday, Oct 19, 2024

Where:  McNeil High School Gym

                 Enter through doors at the front of the school on the right side. Same as Front Office entry.


DANCE PERFORMANCE at the McNeil High Varsity Football Game!

When:  5:45 pm, Friday, Oct 25, 2024 

Where:  Home entrance of Kelly Reeves Athletic Stadium. A Majestic will meet you there and walk you into the stadium

Price: $75 includes T-shirt, Poms/Streamers, Saturday dance clinic, entry to game, and dinner on game night.

What to wear: Black bottoms, tennis shoes, and the t-shirt that will be provided to you at the game.

***Pick up your Mini Majestic after halftime at the Majestics warm-up area near the scoreboard.***


NOTE:  Cancellations before T-shirt order will incur a 3% cancellation fee. Cancellations after T-shirt order will incur a 3% cancellation fee and cost of T-shirt.

THANKS 2024-2025 Sponsors!

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors


Barbara Vass

Morris Family


Romero Diaz Family

Texas Tooth Fairies Pediatric Dentistry